Biodiversity cost of intensifying livestock farming

Eighty per cent of the world’s grassland is used for agriculture, much of it for grazing livestock. Meat production is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. One way to increase grass-based livestock production while reducing emissions is through sustainable intensification. This uses measures such as grassland management and pasture fertilisation to improve livestock performance while reducing environmental pressures by reducing the amount of grassland needed to support livestock. However, intensifying livestock production on grassland can have a negative impact on biodiversity, as grassland can be degraded by increased grazing pressure.

Nº 28
some attempts made
past case
ongoing case
no attempts made

Biodiversity cost of intensifying livestock farming

Eighty per cent of the world’s grassland is used for agriculture, much of it for grazing livestock. Meat production is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. One way to increase grass-based livestock production while reducing emissions is through sustainable intensification. This uses measures such as grassland management and pasture fertilisation to improve livestock performance while reducing environmental pressures by reducing the amount of grassland needed to support livestock. However, intensifying livestock production on grassland can have a negative impact on biodiversity, as grassland can be degraded by increased grazing pressure.

Higher grazing intensities are associated with poorer biodiversity outcomes. At sites in the UK, Germany, France and Italy, lower grazing intensities can enhance biodiversity, while no discernible effect on livestock performance was observed.

Isselstein, J., Griffith, B. A., Pradel, P., & Venerus, S. (2007). Effects of livestock breed and grazing intensity on biodiversity and production in grazing systems. Nutritive value of herbage and livestock performance. Grass and Forage Science, 62(2), 145–158.

Boval, M., & Dixon, R. M. (2012). The importance of grasslands for animal production and other functions: a review on management and methodological progress in the tropics. Animal, 6(5), 748-762.

Cardoso, A. D. S., Barbero, R. P., Romanzini, E. P., Teobaldo, R. W., Ongaratto, F., Fernandes, M. H. M. D. R., … & Reis, R. A. (2020). Intensification: A key strategy to achieve great animal and environmental beef cattle production sustainability in Brachiaria grasslands. Sustainability, 12(16), 6656.