Safety risks of electric vehicles

To reduce emissions and mitigate climate change, electric cars are increasingly replacing fossil-fuelled cars as a means of transport. However, electric cars pose a safety risk to cyclists and pedestrians due to their quietness, especially when compared to fossil fuel-powered cars.

Nº 121

1) United States

2) Switzerland

some attempts made
past case
ongoing case
no attempts made


Safety risks of electric vehicles

To reduce emissions and mitigate climate change, electric cars are increasingly replacing fossil-fuelled cars as a means of transport. However, electric cars pose a safety risk to cyclists and pedestrians due to their quietness, especially when compared to fossil fuel-powered cars.

1) In a comparison between hybrid electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles across sixteen US states, hybrid electric passenger vehicles were found to be 22% more likely to be involved in a pedestrian accident.

2) AXA Switzerland found that certain categories of electric vehicles are associated with higher claims, suggesting higher accident rates. The tests led the insurer to point to the acceleration behaviour of electric vehicles, as well as their quietness at low speeds, to explain the higher accident risk.

1) Wu, J., Austin, R., & Chen, C.-L. (2011). Incidence Rates of Pedestrian And Bicyclist Crashes by Hybrid Electric Passenger Vehicles: An Update (HS-811 526). Art. HS-811 526.

2) E-crash – electric traffic. (n.d.). AXA Schweiz | E-Crash – Electric Traffic. Available at

Wu, J., Austin, R., & Chen, C. L. (2011). Incidence rates of pedestrian and bicyclist crashes by hybrid electric passenger vehicles: an update (No. HS-811 526).

Stelling-Kończak, A., Hagenzieker, M., & Wee, B. V. (2015). Traffic sounds and cycling safety: The use of electronic devices by cyclists and the quietness of hybrid and electric cars. Transport Reviews, 35(4), 422-444.