Sustainable alternatives to electric vehicles

Promoting the electrification of cars is a widely used tool to reduce emissions from the transport sector and thus mitigate climate change. However, there are alternative modes of transport that emit fewer emissions, such as cycling and public transport. By not prioritising the promotion of these modes, climate change is further accelerated by the release of avoidable emissions from the transport sector.

Nº 26

some attempts made
past case
ongoing case
no attempts made

Sustainable alternatives to electric vehicles

Promoting the electrification of cars is a widely used tool to reduce emissions from the transport sector and thus mitigate climate change. However, there are alternative modes of transport that emit fewer emissions, such as cycling and public transport. By not prioritising the promotion of these modes, climate change is further accelerated by the release of avoidable emissions from the transport sector.

n Trinidad and Tobago, taxes on hybrid car imports have been waved to promote them as an alternative means of transport.

Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. (May 24, 2022). Media Release: Taxes Waived on Hybrid Cars. Retrieved March 28, 2023, from

Angeli, F. (2010). Electric cars or high-efficiency transport networks? Economia delle fonti di energia e dell’ambiente. Fascicolo 1, 1-17.